The International Society for River Science is a global society that exists to foster and develop
scholarship in disciplines that contribute to knowledge and wise stewardship of rivers and streams.
The society has an international reputation as a group of scientists who are a reliable and
independent source of information and advice on river science and related environmental issues. The
primary outlet for ISRS is publication in their official journal, River Research and Applications.

Our society seeks to promote:

  • A basic understanding of the structure (biological, chemical, and physical) and functioning of lotic ecosystems, particularly rivers, through disciplines contributing to the emerging, integrative field of river science; these include, but are not limited to, aquatic and floodplain ecology, civil and environmental engineering, environmental chemistry, environmental policy, fisheries, geographic information systems analysis, geomorphology, hydrology, landscape ecology, mathematical modelling, river conservation and rehabilitation, social sciences and economics, technology applied to river management, and water quality studies.
  • Wise stewardship of our natural resources and informed environmental policy, especially as each relates to streams and rivers;
  • A strong role in the professional development of river scientists, including students and early-career members who wish to be involved in society activities as participants and leaders;
  • Education and training, by encouraging the free exchange of ideas and factual material among teachers, students, and others;
  • Communication among members, using the internet, scientific journals, and science conferences

2019-2021 ISRS Executive Committee

  • President: Martin Doyle
  • President-Elect: Melissa Parsons
  • Past-President: Christian Wolter
  • Secretary: Andy Large (since 2017)
  • Treasurer: Mike Delong (since 2008)
  • Web: Roser Casas-Mulet (2015-2018, since 2020)

Previous Presidents

  • Dave Gilvear (2015-2017)
  • Martin Thoms (2013-2015)
  • Geoff Petts (2011-2013)
  • Jim Thorpe (2008-2013)
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