The 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) took place in Vienna, Austria, 8-13 September 2019. It was hosted by the Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), under the theme “Riverine landscapes as coupled socio-ecological systems“.

The symposium emphasised research on the use and protection of water resources with a focus on highly modified riverine landscapes. It linked research at different trophic, temporal and spatial scales and bridges between ecology, geomorphology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, social sciences, environmental engineering, technology and economics. The symposium, therefore, served as a wide platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences between science and practice.

All Keynote presentations can be found here.

2019, Vienna, Austria – how it went
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