International Symposium for River Science 2025

We are excited to announce that the International Society for River Science (ISRS) will be holding the7th International Symposium on River Science at the University of California, Davis from October 6-10,2025 hosted by the Center for Watershed Sciences. This symposium will provide the first opportunity for ISRS to meet since 2019 and for river scientistsand […]

Joint Virtual Symposium of the ISRS/AFS on Resilience in Working Rivers, 23rd September 2020

The American Fisheries Society (AFS) and the International Society for River Science (ISRS) are sponsoring the symposium Managing Working Rivers Through a Resilience Lens: Advances in River Restoration The session will have three Keynote talks: Dr. Sarah Yarnell, Increasing Ecological Resilience to Better Manage Aquatic Biota in Working Rivers Dr. Christian Wolter, Informing Efficient River […]

2019, Vienna, Austria – how it went

The 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) took place in Vienna, Austria, 8-13 September 2019. It was hosted by the Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), under the theme “Riverine landscapes as coupled socio-ecological systems“. The symposium emphasised […]

ISRS 2019 Announced: Vienna in September!

ISRS 2019 RIVERINE LANDSCAPES AS COUPLED SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS 8th – 13th Sept. 2019 Vienna, Austria Riverine landscapes (RL) are tightly coupled to human societies, their development, their demands and in turn human societies depend on the supply of these highly complex ecosystems. The massive changes, the complexity of these riverine landscapes and the fragmentation of […]

ISRS 2017, Hamilton, New Zealand: How it went

The 5th ISRS symposium on Integrating Multiple Aquatic Values has just closed and was a great success. There was a great array of plenary talks and presentations encompassing hydrology, geomorphology and ecology and rivers as socio-ecological systems.  A distinctive component was insights in to Maori views as to the value of rivers. The symposium took […]

ISRS 2017, Hamilton, New Zealand, is kicking off this weekend!

The 5th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) will start this weekend with lots of exciting workshops and pre-conference activities. Pre-conference Workshops Saturday 18th – Sunday 19th November include: Integrating ecological and physical values in river management: the importance of understanding interdisciplinarity for early careers Date: Saturday 18 November 2017 Organiser: EcoENet […]

Abstract deadline for ISRS 2017: 30 April!

The abstract deadline for the 2017 conference in Hamilton, New Zealand, is coming up quickly! Abstract submissions are closing on the 30th April, for the 2017 5th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS), IPENZ/Water NZ Rivers Group (NZRG) and the New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society (NZFSS), which is being held in Hamilton, […]

Special Session Topic proposals for ISRS2017 close 30 November

1 week left to send Special session topic proposals for ISRS2017! ISRS2017 Integrating Multiple Aquatic Values   Call For Special Sessions Special session topic proposals should be sent to Kevin Collier – [email protected] – by 30 November and include: • Session title • Two-three sentences on the objectives of the Special Session • A […]

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