We are excited to announce that the International Society for River Science (ISRS) will be holding the
7th International Symposium on River Science at the University of California, Davis from October 6-10,
2025 hosted by the Center for Watershed Sciences.

This symposium will provide the first opportunity for ISRS to meet since 2019 and for river scientists
and practitioners to reconnect and share ideas and experiences. In bringing together researchers and
practitioners from across the world, the Symposium provides a unique platform for fostering
collaboration, sharing ideas, and learning that can advance the field of river science and management.
The 7th International Symposium will focus will on three themes that incorporate research from
across ecology, geomorphology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, social sciences, first nations science,
environmental engineering, river management and policy:

  • Reconnecting: rivers as integrated biophysical systems
  • Restoring: river management for biodiversity outcomes
  • Revitalising: relationships between people and rivers

To keep up to date with upcoming calls, abstract submission and registration information, please see the dedicated ISRS 2025 page.

International Symposium for River Science 2025
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