Our Society aims to hold a Congress every two years, with meetings rotating between continents since 2009.

2019: Vienna, Austria

2017: Hamilton, New Zealand

2015: La Crosse, USA

2013: Beijing, China

2011: Berlin, Germany

2009: Florida, USA

Prior to the establishment of the ISRS, an unofficial group held a “Regulated Rivers” meeting every three years for several decades. There were 10 symposia held in the UK, Australia, France, USA, Canada, and Norway:

2006: 10th ISORS, Stirling, UK
2003: 9th ISORS, Albury, Australia
2000: 8th ISORS, Toulouse, France
1999: 7th ISORS, Tennessee, USA
1995: 6th ISORS
1993: 5th ISORS
1989: 4th ISORS
1985: 3rd ISORS, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1982: 2nd ISORS, Oslo, Norway
1979: 1st ISORS, Pennsylvania, USA

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