The 7th International Symposium on River Science will be held from 6-10 October 2025, hosted by the Center for Watershed Sciences, at the University of California, Davis.

This is the first opportunity for the global ISRS community to meet since 2019, and for river scientists and practitioners to reconnect and share ideas and experiences. The symposium provides a unique platform for bringing together researchers and practitioners from across the world, and to foster collaboration, sharing ideas, and experiences that can advance the field of river science and management.
The Symposium will focus will on themes that incorporate research from across ecology, geomorphology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, social sciences, first nations science, environmental engineering, river management and policy.

Dr Sarah Yarnell
Center for Watershed Sciences
University of California, Davis, USA
Professor Fiona Dyer
Centre for Applied Water Science
University of Canberra, Australia
Professor Martin Thoms
Riverine Landscapes Research Laboratory
University of New England, Armidale, Australia
Associate Professor Melissa Parsons
Department of Geography and Planning
University of New England, Armidale, Australia

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